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Web Security Overview

Web sites need to use encryption to help their visitors know they're in the right place, as well as provide confidentiality and content integrity. Sites that don't support HTTPS may expose sensitive data and have their pages modified and subverted.
There are issues with this site's HTTPS configuration.

For all sites VERY IMPORTANT medium EFFORT
Supported and well configured
HTTPS Redirection

To deploy HTTPS properly, web sites must redirect all unsafe (plaintext) traffic to the encrypted variant. This approach ensures that no sensitive data is exposed and that further security technologies can be activated.

Supported and well configured
HTTP Strict Transport Security

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an HTTPS extension that instructs browsers to remember sites that use encryption and enforce strict security requirements. Without HSTS, active network attacks are easy to carry out.

For important sites VERY IMPORTANT medium EFFORT
Not supported
HSTS Preloaded

HSTS Preloading is informing browsers in advance about a site's use of HSTS, which means that strict security can be enforced even on the first visit. This approach provides best HTTPS security available today.

For important sites VERY IMPORTANT medium EFFORT
Not supported
Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is an additional security layer that enables web sites to control browser behavior, creating a safety net that can counter attacks such as cross-site scripting.

For important sites IMPORTANT high EFFORT
Email Security Overview
Unable to determine
No SMTP servers

This host doesn't specify any SMTP servers, which probably means that it doesn't receive email. We are unable to evaluate STARTTLS support, TLS, X.509, and DANE configuration.

DNS Zone

The global DNS infrastructure is organized as a series of hierarchical DNS zones. The root zone hosts a number of global and country TLDs, which in turn host further zones that are delegated to their customers. Each organization that controls a zone can delegate parts of its namespace to other zones. In this test we perform detailed inspection of a DNS zone, but only if the host being tested matches the zone.

Test not applicable
The host being tested doesn't match a DNS zone.

DNS Records

Correctly functioning name servers are necessary to hold and distribute information that's necessary for your domain name to operate correctly. Examples include converting names to IP addresses, determining where email should go, and so on. More recently, the DNS is being used to communicate email and other security policies.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

DNS Records

These are the results of individual DNS queries against your nameserver for common resource record types.

Name TTL Type Data
program.youimpact.com.     1800 A            

Backing DNS Queries

Below are all DNS queries we submitted while inspecting the resource records.

ID Server Question Name Type Status


DNSSEC is an extension of the DNS protocol that provides cryptographic assurance of the authenticity and integrity of responses; it's intended as a defense against network attackers who are able to manipulate DNS to redirect their victims to servers of their choice. DNSSEC is controversial, with the industry split largely between those who think it's essential and those who believe that it's problematic and unnecessary.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

Useful DNSSEC Tools

Certification Authority Authorization

CAA (RFC 8659) is a new standard that allows domain name owners to restrict which CAs are allowed to issue certificates for their domains. This can help to reduce the chance of misissuance, either accidentally or maliciously. In September 2017, CAA became mandatory for CAs to implement.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


There is no CAA policy on this domain
CAA policies can be used to restrict which CAs are allowed to issue certificates for a hostname. As such, CAA can be used to enforce an organization-wide policy and to prevent issuance of unauthorized certificates. The CA/Browser forum requires CAs to consult CAA configuration during certificate issuance from September 2017.

Email (SMTP)

An internet hostname can be served by zero or more mail servers, as specified by MX (mail exchange) DNS resource records. Each server can further resolve to multiple IP addresses, for example to handle IPv4 and IPv6 clients. Thus, in practice, hosts that wish to receive email reliably are supported by many endpoint.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


This host doesn't have any MX servers and doesn't receive its own email
This host doesn't specify any MX servers. According to the SMTP specification, in that case it should be assumed that the host itself is willing to receive email. We have checked and that's not the case. This host should probably deploy a NULL MX (RFC 7505) to indicate that email is not wanted, but in practice it doesn't matter a great deal.

Email TLS (SMTP)

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the most widely used encryption protocol on the Internet. In combination with valid certificates, servers can establish trusted communication channels even with users who have never visited them before. Network attackers can't uncover what is being communicated, even when they can see all the traffic.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

Email Certificates (SMTP)

A certificate is a digital document that contains a public key, some information about the entity associated with it, and a digital signature from the certificate issuer. It’s a mechanism that enables us to exchange, store, and use public keys. Being able to reliably verify the identity of a remote server is crucial in order to achieve secure encrypted communication.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is a bridge between DNSSEC and TLS. In one possible scenario, DANE can be used for public key pinning, building on an existing publicly-trusted certificate. In another approach, it can be used to completely bypass the CA ecosystem and establish trust using DNSSEC alone.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is a protocol that allows domain name owners to control which internet hosts are allowed to send email on their behalf. This simple mechanism can be used to reduce the effect of email spoofing and cut down on spam.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is a scalable mechanism by which a mail-originating organization can express domain-level policies and preferences for message validation, disposition, and reporting, that a mail-receiving organization can use to improve mail handling.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

DMARC Policy Information

The location from which we obtained this policy.Policy location _dmarc.youimpact.com
DMARC version used by this policy.v DMARC1
Indicates the policy to be enacted by the receiver at
the request of the domain owner. Possible values are:
none, quarantine, and reject.


DMARC policy found

Policy: v=DMARC1; p=none;

Host: _dmarc.youimpact.com

Policy is valid
Good. You have a valid DMARC policy.
Activate DMARC policy
Although syntactically valid, your DMARC policy is effectively disabled. An effective policy must set the value of the 'p' directive to either 'quarantine' or 'reject'. In addition, if the 'pct' directive is present, it must be set to a value other than zero. (The default is 100, which means to apply policy to all emails.)

MTA Strict Transport Security

SMTP Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS) is a mechanism enabling mail service providers to declare their ability to receive Transport Layer Security (TLS) secure SMTP connections, and to specify whether sending SMTP servers should refuse to deliver to MX hosts that do not offer TLS with a trusted server certificate.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

SMTP TLS Reporting

SMTP TLS Reporting (RFC 8460), or TLS-RPT for short, describes a reporting mechanism and format by which systems sending email can share statistics and specific information about potential failures with recipient domains. Recipient domains can then use this information to both detect potential attacks and diagnose unintentional misconfigurations. TLS-RPT can be used with DANE or MTA-STS.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

HTTP (80)

To observe your HTTP implementation, we submit a request to the homepage of your site on port 80, follow all redirections (even when they take us to other domain names), and record the returned HTTP headers.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

URL: http://program.youimpact.com/

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Information leakage in HTTP response header
A HTTP response provided by this server includes a server that reveals potentially sensitive information about the software running on it. There is no reason why this information should be provided to the public and we recommend that it is removed.

Header value: PHP/8.1.17

Header name: X-Powered-By

HTTP redirects to HTTPS
Good. This plaintext HTTP server redirects to HTTPS.

HTTP (443)

To observe your HTTPS implementation, we submit a request to the homepage of your site on port 443, follow all redirections (even when they take us to other domain names), and record the returned HTTP headers. We use the most recent set of headers returned from the tested hostname for further tests such as HSTS and HPKP.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

URL: https://program.youimpact.com/

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


Information leakage in HTTP response header
A HTTP response provided by this server includes a server that reveals potentially sensitive information about the software running on it. There is no reason why this information should be provided to the public and we recommend that it is removed.

Header value: PHP/8.1.17

Header name: X-Powered-By


Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the most widely used encryption protocol on the Internet. In combination with valid certificates, servers can establish trusted communication channels even with users who have never visited them before. Network attackers can't uncover what is being communicated, even when they can see all the traffic.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

TLS Configuration: program.youimpact.com (

Encryption protocol version determines what features are
available for negotiation between client and server.
Supported protocols
TLS v1.3
TLS v1.2
Servers should always enforce their own cipher
suite preference, as that is the only approach
that guarantees that the best possible suite is
Server suite preference
Shows cipher suite configuration for this protocol version.TLS v1.3
Unknown preference
Suite: TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
Suite ID: 0x1303
Cipher name: CHACHA20
Cipher strength: 256 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ecdh_x25519
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 256 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
Suite ID: 0x1301
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 128 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ecdh_x25519
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 128 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Suite ID: 0x1302
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 256 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ecdh_x25519
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 256 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite: TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256
Suite ID: 0x1304
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 128 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ecdh_x25519
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 128 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Shows cipher suite configuration for this protocol version.TLS v1.2
Unknown preference
Suite ID: 0xcca8
Cipher name: CHACHA20
Cipher strength: 256 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ECDHE_RSA
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 256 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite ID: 0xc02f
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 128 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ECDHE_RSA
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 128 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite ID: 0xc030
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 256 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: ECDHE_RSA
Key exchange strength: EC ecdh_x25519 (256 bits)
Forward secrecy: Yes
 256 bits (ECDHE 256 bits)
Suite ID: 0x9e
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 128 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: DHE_RSA
Key exchange strength: 2048 bits
Forward secrecy: Yes
 128 bits (DHE 2048 bits)
Suite ID: 0x9f
Cipher name: AES
Cipher strength: 256 bits
Cipher block size: 128 bits
Cipher mode: AEAD
Key exchange: DHE_RSA
Key exchange strength: 2048 bits
Forward secrecy: Yes
 256 bits (DHE 2048 bits)


TLS 1.3 supported
Excellent. This server supports TLS 1.3, which is the latest revision of the TLS protocol and a significant improvement over earlier versions. Developed over a period of several years and extensively analyzed prior to the release, TLS 1.3 removed insecure features, and improved both security and performance.
TLS 1.2 supported
Good. This server supports TLS 1.2, which can provide strong security when configured correctly. This version of the TLS protocol is necessary to provide good security with a wide range of clients that don't yet support TLS 1.3.
Deprecated protocols not supported
Excellent. This server doesn't support any of the deprecated protocol (TLS 1.1 and earlier).
Strong key exchange detected
Excellent. All cipher suites on this server rely on strong key exchange. The sweet spot is 2048 bits for DHE and 256 bits for ECDHE. Putting ECDHE suites first guarantees best security and best performance.
Only strong suites supported
Excellent. This server supports only strong cipher suites, which use strong authenticated encryption and provide forward secrecy.
All TLS connections with this server satisfy Apple's CT requirements
All TLS connections established with this server satisfy Chrome's CT requirements, using certificate, TLS extension, or OCSP response as SCT transport method.

SCT transports: CERT

All TLS connections with this server satisfy Chrome's CT requirements
All TLS connections established with this server satisfy Chrome's CT requirements, using certificate, TLS extension, or OCSP response as SCT transport method.

SCT transports: CERT

DHE server parameter not reused
This server does not reuse the private value used for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

WWW Certificates

A certificate is a digital document that contains a public key, some information about the entity associated with it, and a digital signature from the certificate issuer. It’s a mechanism that enables us to exchange, store, and use public keys. Being able to reliably verify the identity of a remote server is crucial in order to achieve secure encrypted communication.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

Certificate: program.youimpact.com

Leaf certificate program.youimpact.com
Issuer: Let's Encrypt
Not Before: 01 Mar 2025 15:36:58 UTC
Not After: 30 May 2025 15:36:57 UTC (expires in 2 months 28 days)
Key: RSA 2048 bits
Signature: SHA256withRSA
 View details


Strong private key
Good. The private key associated with this certificate is secure.
Strong signature algorithm
Good. This certificate uses a strong signature algorithm.
Certificate matches hostname
Good. The provided certificate matches the expected hostnames.
Certificate dates match
Good. The certificate is valid for use at this point of time.
Certificate has not been revoked
Good. This certificate has not been revoked.
Certificate satisfies Apple's CT compliance requirements
Good. This certificate satisfies Apple's CT requirements at present.

Certificate Trust

Determining whether a certificate is considered valid is a complicated process that depends on the exact configuration of the validating party. For trust to be established, the certificate must form a chain that ends with a trusted root. In this section we evaluate the server's certificate against major root stores.

Platform Trusted
Google AOSP

Certificate Chain

For a server certificate to be valid, it must be presented as part of a complete and valid certificate chain. The last certificate in the chain should be the root and is usually not included in the configuration.

Leaf certificate
program.youimpact.com | 7576eb5
Not After: 30 May 2025 15:36:57 UTC (expires in 2 months 28 days)
Authentication: RSA 2048 bits (SHA256withRSA)
 View details
Intermediate certificate
R11 | 591e9ce
Not After: 12 Mar 2027 23:59:59 UTC (expires in 2 years 11 days)
Authentication: RSA 2048 bits (SHA256withRSA)
 View details
Root certificate
ISRG Root X1 | 96bcec0
Not After: 04 Jun 2035 11:04:38 UTC (expires in 10 years 3 months)
Authentication: RSA 4096 bits (SHA256withRSA)
 View details


Certificate chain is correct
Good. This chain contains all the right certificates and in the right order.

DANE (443)

DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) is a bridge between DNSSEC and TLS. In one possible scenario, DANE can be used for public key pinning, building on an existing publicly-trusted certificate. In another approach, it can be used to completely bypass the CA ecosystem and establish trust using DNSSEC alone.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


Cookies are small chunks of text that are sent between your browser and a website. They are often essential to the operation of the site and sometimes contain sensitive information. Session cookies sent from secure sites must be explicitly marked as secure to prevent being obtained by active network attackers.

Test failed
We've detected serious problems that require your immediate attention.

HTTP Cookie: laravel_session  Session cookie

Cookie value. As far as the cookie RFC is concerned, the value
is an opaque string which only the application should interpret.
Cookie domain. When domain is implied (not explicitly set in a cookie),
most browsers (but not IE) treat the cookie as host-only, meaning that
no other server can overwrite it.
Implied (program.youimpact.com)
Cookie path. This field can't be used as security measure,
but it could be of use to avoid cookie name collision
in non-adversarial contexts.
The HttpOnly flag prevents the cookie from being accessed
from JavaScript, thus making them more difficult
to obtain after a successful XSS attack.
The Secure flag signals to browsers that the cookie
should be transmitted only over an encrypted channel.
Normally, when a browser makes a request to a web site,
it sends all associated cookies. This is not always
desirable, because it might allow third-party sites
to perform site actions under the identity of the user.
This attack is known as Cross-Site Request Forgery.
With SameSite cookies (still in development, but already
supported in some browsers), you can choose to be more
strict. The possible values are 'lax' and 'strict'.


Session cookie is not secure
This cookie, which has been sent over an encrypted channel, doesn't have the secure flag set. As a result, an active network attacker can easily recover it and hijack the user session.
Session cookie is HttpOnly
Good. This session cookie is marked as HttpOnly, which means that it can't be accessed from JavaScript. Such cookies are more difficult to obtain after a successful XSS attack.
SameSite attribute not used
An upcoming standard, SameSite cookies, creates more secure cookies that are sent only on requests that originate from the same site that issued them. They are designed to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) or at least make it more difficult.
Name prefix not used
Cookie name prefixes are a recent improvement that enable web application developers to opt-in into a more secure type of cookies. Virtually all cookies would benefit from using either the '__Secure-' or the '__Host-' prefix. The former ensures that a plaintext cookie can't overwrite a secure cookie. The latter ensures that the cookie is sent back only to the host that issued it.


Cookie value. As far as the cookie RFC is concerned, the value
is an opaque string which only the application should interpret.
Cookie domain. When domain is implied (not explicitly set in a cookie),
most browsers (but not IE) treat the cookie as host-only, meaning that
no other server can overwrite it.
Implied (program.youimpact.com)
Cookie path. This field can't be used as security measure,
but it could be of use to avoid cookie name collision
in non-adversarial contexts.
Cookies are designed to always expire. Session cookies
are truly ephemeral and remain cached until the browser
is closed. The Expires and Max-Age cookie attributes can
be used to specify that a cookie should stay alive for
Sat Mar 01 19:58:39 UTC 2025 (1 hour 59 minutes)
The HttpOnly flag prevents the cookie from being accessed
from JavaScript, thus making them more difficult
to obtain after a successful XSS attack.
The Secure flag signals to browsers that the cookie
should be transmitted only over an encrypted channel.
Normally, when a browser makes a request to a web site,
it sends all associated cookies. This is not always
desirable, because it might allow third-party sites
to perform site actions under the identity of the user.
This attack is known as Cross-Site Request Forgery.
With SameSite cookies (still in development, but already
supported in some browsers), you can choose to be more
strict. The possible values are 'lax' and 'strict'.


Cookie is not secure
This cookie, which has been sent over an encrypted channel, doesn't have the secure flag set. As a result, an active network attacker can easily recover it.

HTML Content

On virtually all web sites, HTML markup, images, style sheets, JavaScript, and other page resources arrive not only over multiple connections but possibly from multiple servers and sites spread across the entire Internet. For a page to be properly encrypted, it’s necessary that all the content is retrieved over HTTPS. In practice, that’s very often not the case, leading to mixed content security problems.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

Encryption of Embedded Resources

In this section we look at the transport security of all embedded resources. Mixed active content occurs when there are unprotected scripts or styles embedded in a page. This is typically not allowed by modern browsers. Mixed passive content (images, videos and such) are typically allowed, but shouldn't be present.

4 script(s)
  4 out of 4 are secure  View all
5 CSS file(s)
  5 out of 5 are secure  View all
1 media file(s)
  1 out of 1 are secure  View all

Encryption of Outbound Links

Ideally, an encrypted page should only have links that lead to other encrypted pages. If plaintext links are used, passive network attackers can see where people go after they visit your web site. It's also possible that some sensitive information is leaked in the Referer header.

2 link(s)
  2 out of 2 are encrypted  View all

HTTP Strict Transport Security

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) vastly improves security of the network encryption layer. With HSTS enabled, browsers no longer allow clicking through certificate warnings errors, which are typically trivial to exploit. Additionally, they will no longer submit insecure (plaintext) requests to the site in question, even if asked.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.

HSTS Policy  Main host

URL from which this policy was obtained.Location https://program.youimpact.com/
Specifies policy duration. Once activated, HSTS stays in force
until this time lapses. Browsers update policy cache duration
every time they receive a new HSTS header from a site.
63,072,000 seconds (about 2 years)
When present, this directive forces HSTS activation
on allsubdomains. For best security, HSTS should be
deployed on the bare domain name (e.g., example.com)
and all its subdomains.
Presence of this directive indicates that a web site wishes to
permanently use HSTS and that its policy information should be
preloaded (embedded in browsers).


Policy is valid
OK. Your HSTS policy uses correct syntax.
Long policy age
Your HSTS policy has a long max-age value, which offers better protection.
No subdomains
This HSTS policy doesn't cover subdomains. Without full coverage, HSTS can't protect from certain cookie attacks that typically allow active network attackers to inject cookies into an application. Additionally, subdomain coverage is one of the requirements to allow preloading.
Preload directive has no effect here
This policy doesn't enable preloading, but that's all right. The preload directive doesn't have any effect unless it's used on an apex hostname.
Redirection from HTTP to HTTPS to the same host
Good. The redirection from HTTP to HTTPS is to the same host. This approach ensures that HSTS is activated on the hostname when it's accessed via plaintext.
No parent protection
This host could benefit from further protection if the apex hostname would be configured with a HSTS policy that uses 'includeSubDomains'. Enabling HSTS on an entire domain name is the only approach that provides robust security.

HTTP Public Key Pinning

HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) enables site operators to restrict which certificates are considered valid for their domain names. With a valid HPKP configuration, sites can defeat man in the middle (MITM) attacks using fraudulent or misissued certificates. HPKP is an advanced feature, suitable for use by only high-profile web sites.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

Content Security Policy

Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security mechanism that allows web sites control how browsers process their pages. In essence, sites can restrict what types of resources are loaded and from where. CSP policies can be used to defend against cross-site scripting, prevent mixed content issues, as well as report violations for investigation.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.

Subresource Integrity

Subresource Integrity (SRI) is a new standard that enables browsers to verify the integrity of embedded page resources (e.g., scripts and stylesheets) when they are loaded from third-party web sites. With SRI deployed, remote resources can be used safely, without fear of them being modified by malicious parties.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.
4 script(s)
  3 out of 4 are secure
 View all
5 CSS file(s)
  5 out of 5 are secure  View all


SRI required
This page contains remote resources that are under the control of third parties. Deploy SRI to protect them from modification.

Expect CT

Expect-CT is a deprecated response HTTP header designed to enable web sites to monitor problems related to their Certificate Transparency (CT) compliance. Should any CT issues arise, browsers that supported this header will submit reports to the specified reporting endpoint. Chrome was the browser that introduced support for this response header, but later deprecated it and removed it in version 107.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


Deploy Expect-CT to enable reporting
An Expect-CT policy enables web sites to monitor for any problems related to their Expect-CT compliance, detecting potentially serious issues quickly. When issues arise, compliant browsers will submit reports to the specified reporting endpoints. Before CT became required for all public certificates the Expect-CT was also used to require CT, but that use case no longer applies.

Frame Options

The X-Frame-Options header controls page framing, which occurs when a page is incorporated into some other page, possibly on a different site. If framing is allowed, attackers can employ clever tricks to make victims perform arbitrary actions on your site; they do this by showing their web site while forwarding the victim's clicks to yours.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.


Header information

Name: X-Frame-Options


Framing allowed from the same origin only
OK. Your site allows page framing only from itself. This should generally be safe, except maybe on sites that host user content.

XSS Protection

Some browsers ship with so-called XSS Auditors, built-in defenses against XSS. Although these defenses work against simple reflective XSS attacks, they can be abused by skillful attackers to add weaknesses to otherwise secure web sites. These dangers are present in both filtering and blocking modes. At this time, the Safari browser ships with its XSS defenses enabled by default. For this reason, the best approach is to explicitly disable this functionality.

Feature not applicable, not implemented, or disabled
Your server doesn't support this feature.


Explicitly disable browser XSS protection
For best security, every web site should explicitly disable browser-based XSS protection. This is because this type of functionality can be used to introduce vulnerabilities into otherwise error-free web sites.

Content Type Options

Some browsers use a technique called content sniffing to override response MIME types provided by HTTP servers and interpret responses as something else (usually HTML). This behavior, which could potentially lead to security issues, should be disabled by attaching an X-Content-Type-Options header to all responses.

Test passed
Everything seems to be well configured. Well done.


Header information

Name: X-Content-Type-Options

Value: nosniff

Valid configuration
Good. Your configuration is valid. This means that browsers won't try to guess file MIME type on this web site.